जो उपलब्ध अवसर को समझने में चूक गया, वही गरीब। हमारे आस पास हमेशा शानदार अवसर उपलब्ध है; हमें केवल उन्हें पहचानने की आवश्यकता है। #viertLife
"VIERT Life" provides Trainings, Workshops and Seminars related to Human Resources Development, NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming), Total Wellness, Memory Power, Positive Parenting and Total Life Management. Our Mission: To educate and empower people to empower the Nation. {Dr. Ravindra Kumar Vishwakarma: Mind Trainer/Programmer, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Coach and Life Management Coach at "VIERT for Better World"} Ph: 9430114411.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Friday, 23 November 2018
NLP Subconscious Reimprinting Reprogramming & Mastery Training by VIERT Life 9430114411
Why do we do what we do ?
Why don't we do what we want to do ? Actually all what we do is directed by our deep rooted beliefs in our Subconscious Mind. We have been programmed by our parents, relatives, friends, neighbours.. and we do all the things that comes easily in our practice. We have our own Personal Experiences.. these experiences have been converted into our beliefs and our Subconscious Mind tries to convert these beliefs into reality.. So we are the product of our beliefs.. Now it is the time for you to go inside your mind and scan your each & every beliefs and convert them into resourceful ones and get the desired result..
Friday, 16 November 2018
Your Subconscious Mind #viertLife #VIERT for Better World, 9430114411.
Your Subconscious Mind follows and try to convert into reality your each and every command as soon as possible whatever you give to it constantly irrespective of whether it is positive or negative. So be careful what you say to yourself.
जब लोग कहते हैं कि आप यह काम नहीं कर सकते तो वे अपनी सीमा बताते हैं, आपकी नहीं। 😊 #viertLife
जब लोग कहते हैं कि आप यह काम नहीं कर सकते तो वे अपनी सीमा बताते हैं, आपकी नहीं। 😊
Thursday, 15 November 2018
VIERT for Better World : VIERT Life Mission : 9430114411.
"VIERT for Better World" "वियर्ट फॉर बेटर वर्ल्ड" देश के 1 लाख लोगों (इसके बाद भी) को बिल्कुल फ्री "वियर्ट प्लस विंग्स टू फ्लाई वर्कशॉप" [टोटल लाइफ मैनेजमेंट] (रविवार को 3 घंटे; 9.30 बजे से एवं 3 बजे से, धनबाद में) देने के लिए कृतसंकल्प है।
आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं 🙏 अपना सीट कंफर्म करने के लिए मोबाइल नंबर 9430114411 पर SMS करें।
उपलब्ध सीट के अनुसार आपको आमंत्रित किया जाएगा 🙏
देश में कहीं भी इस ट्रेनिंग को आयोजित करने के लिए संपर्क करें।
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Convert your "INFORMATION" into "TRANSFORMATION". Be what you want to be, do what you want to do and achieve what you want to achieve. सभी ज्ञान की बातें व्यर्थ हैं यदि आप उन्हें प्रेक्टिकली कंवर्ट न कर पाएं। Learn NLP and Transform your Life Practically. Attend One Full Day Free NLP Training with Free Lunch on coming Sunday. To Know More, (only) SMS at 9430114411.
Be what you want to be, do what you want to do and achieve what you want to achieve.
सभी ज्ञान की बातें व्यर्थ हैं यदि आप उन्हें प्रेक्टिकली कंवर्ट न कर पाएं।
Learn NLP and Transform your Life Practically.
Attend One Full Day Free NLP Training with Free Lunch on coming Sunday.
To Know More, (only) SMS at 9430114411.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
One time Investment, Life time Revision. Join "VIERT NLP Training" & ReDesign Your Life & Others' Lives. SMS at 9430114411.
One time Investment,
Life time Revision.
Join "VIERT NLP Training" & ReDesign Your Life & Others' Lives.
SMS at 9430114411.
Monday, 5 November 2018
"VIERT for Better World" is committed to provide One Day FREE NLP Training with Free Lunch for the first 1 Lakh people in India. #viertLife
"VIERT for Better World" is committed to provide One Day FREE NLP Training with Free Lunch for the first 1 Lakh people in India.
Sunday, 4 November 2018
If your life is honestly dedicated for high purpose then you will get friends with higher purpose... #viertLife
If your life is honestly dedicated for high purpose then you will get friends with higher purpose... #viertLife
Friday, 2 November 2018
"VIERT for Better World" is committed to provide One Day FREE NLP Training with Free Lunch for the first 1 Lakh people in India. Ph: 9430114411. #viertLife
"VIERT for Better World" is committed to provide One Day FREE NLP Training with Free Lunch for the first 1 Lakh people in India. Ph: 9430114411.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
VIERT Life NLP Basic Practitioners Training
NLP Basic Practitioners Training for Redesigning Your Life:
Dates: 26 to 28th Oct.
5 to 6 Hours Daily
Venue: Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
Fee: ₹16K [New Participants]
₹2K [Repeaters]
[Payment must be done in advance till 24th Oct.]
Seats Limited.
For Details,
SMS or WhatsApp at 9430114411.
•••• NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Basic Practitioner Course/Training:
*Make your Life Healthier, Happier, Stress-free, Beautiful & Lovable with the amazing techniques of NLP at VIERT.
*This 3-Days (5 to 6 Hours Daily) Workshop of NLP Basic Practitioners Course will bring dramatic change in your life. It will improve your personal, social & spiritual life. It will improve your communication skill. Whatever you want in your life, the key to those achievements will be enlightened by this training. It will unlock your hidden potential.
*In these 3 days (15 Hours) of NLP Basic Practitioner Course, you will learn fundamental & simplified techniques (theory & practical) of NLP which will redesign your life for success..
*This training is very very useful for businessmen, teachers, parents, government/private service men, students and for all who want to redesign their lives..
*Topics which are to be covered:
1.NLP : Introduction
2.NLP Communication Model
3.Preferred Thinking System
4.Filters- Generalization, Deletion & Distortion
5.Belief System
6.Beliefs of success
7.State of mind
9.Pain & Pleasure Principle
10.Personal Internal Representation
11.Establishing Rapport
12.Working with Sub-modalities
14.Self-Image Formation
15.Circle of Confidence
16.Bubble Exercise
17.Meta Model
18.Milton Model
19.Meta programs
Thursday, 18 October 2018
NLP Basic Practitioners Training for Redesign Your Life: Dates: 26 to 28th Oct. 5 to 6 Hours Daily Venue: one of the best hotels in Dhanbad Fee: ₹16K [New Participants] ₹2K [Repeaters] For any Queries, SMS or WhatsApp at 9430114411.
NLP Basic Practitioners Training for Redesign Your Life:
Dates: 26 to 28th Oct.
5 to 6 Hours Daily
Venue: one of the best hotels in Dhanbad
Fee: ₹16K [New Participants]
₹2K [Repeaters]
For any Queries,
SMS or WhatsApp at 9430114411.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Secret of Success
ईमानदारी क्या है ?
इससे पहले कि मेरे काम से दूसरे लोग संतुष्ट हो,
मुझे संतुष्ट होना चाहिए..
अपने आप से एक प्रश्न पूछे,
मैने जो काम किया, उसे कितनी तन्मयता से, कितना लगन से किया ?
उस काम को आप स्वयं 100 मे से कितना नंबर देगे ?
इस रिजल्ट को जानने मे जल्दीबाजी ना करे.
हर दिन यदि आप इसी प्रकार अपनी जाच करते है, तो बहुत जल्द सैकडो लोग प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रुप से आपके सहयोगी बन जाएगे..
This is the secret to become successful..
Ravindra Vishwakarma
NLP Wellness Coach & Success Coach
Thursday, 9 August 2018
VIERTLife Meditation
यदि आप अपने अंदर की दुनिया में संतुलन स्थापित करने में सफल हो जाते हैं तो बाहर की दुनिया अपने आप संतुलित हो जाती है। इसके लिए अलग से कोई मेहनत नहीं करना पड़ता है; जो भी मेहनत है अंदर को संतुलित करने में ही है... और ऐसा होता है - ध्यान, ध्यान.. और केवल ध्यान से। यहाँ ध्यान का अर्थ केवल आँखें बंद कर बैठे रहना नहीं है। यहाँ ध्यान का अर्थ है जागरूकता; अपने अंदर उठने वाले विचारों के प्रति जागरूकता; अपने कर्मों के प्रति जागरूकता; संबंधों के प्रति जागरूकता; अपने कथनी और करनी की जागरूकता। #viertLife #9430114411
Monday, 6 August 2018
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
VIERTLife positive self affirmation
●Positive Self Affirmation
प्रतिदिन मन ही मन लगभग 100 बार स्वयं से निम्नलिखित 3 वाक्य बोलें --
1. I love myself.
मैं स्वयं को प्यार करता हूँ।
2. I love my family.
मैं अपने परिवार को प्यार करता हूँ।
3. Entire world is my family.
संपूर्ण विश्व मेरा परिवार है।
लगभग 10 दिनों में आप बहुत अच्छा अनुभव करेंगे, आपके संबंध लोगों के साथ बहुत बहुत अच्छे रहेंगे, आप हर प्रकार से अपने को भरा पूरा महसूस करेंगे।
(इसे काम समझकर न करें; अपने जीवन का एक अंग बना लें)
Saturday, 30 June 2018
Secret of success: how to achieve your goals
If you want to be at the top of your profession then you will have to make better version of yourself; you will have to be the person internally and externally that you want to be; there is no shortcut to achieve the excellence.. It will take time; you will have to keep patience.. and in this process you will learn so many practical things.. Keep practising again and again.. maintain that intensity; maintain that momentum... and after a period of time you will become that.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Monday, 25 June 2018
#Primetime by #viertLife
The job in which you want to make unlimited progress, do it in your prime time. Now keeping your mind very quite try to find out what is your prime. Don't do it in hurry, give yourself time in finding your prime time. For example, my prime time is "morning time". I utilize it only and only for myself. I do Yoga & Pranayam to make myself young, energetic, fit and enthusiastic. Then I read books for my personal growth. That's what I do in my prime time. Prime time is that time interval in which you remain very energetic and confliction free. There should not be any distraction by any other person.
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful & unique. Give yourself the freedom to dream big & think big. Do what you Love & Love what you Do. Give 100% to whatever you do. #viertLife
Dream the impossible.
Know that you are born
in this world to do
wonderful & unique.
Give yourself
the freedom
to dream big & think big.
Do what you Love &
Love what you Do.
Give 100% to whatever you do.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
VIERT Life... My Profile : 9430114411.
Dr. Ravindra Vishwakarma is leading NLP Wellness Coach and Mind Programmer in India.
He has vast experience of teaching Physics to undergraduate & graduate students and "Mind-Yoga Science" since 2002 through his own organization “VIERT for Better World”.
He had thirst for Mind related knowledge since his childhood. For this he studied many Spiritual books, participated in many national & international seminars & workshops and met many Gurus & Teachers.
After completing Matriculation in 1991 he graduated in Physics from Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag and completed M.Sc. in Physics from Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management University, Sikkim. He has done Ph.D. in "Yoga for total Wellness" from Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, Kolkata. At present he is doing MBA from Dr. C V Raman University, Bilaspur in Human Resources Management.
"VIERT for Better World" is an ISO Certified organization that provides Training Services, Seminars and Workshops for Mind Programming, Life Management, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Human Development, Positive Parenting and Value Based Education.
Dr. Ravindra has been awarded by different organizations for promoting Value Based Education through his "Wings to Fly" Workshops and Seminars. He has been awarded by "Shiksha Bharati Award" in 2010 and "Indian Leadership Award for Education Excellence" in 2012 at New Delhi. He has also been awarded by “Guru Shiksha Samman” by Dainik Bhaskar at Dhanbad.
To Educate, Inspire, Motivate and Empower people to achieve their Goals..
“VIERT for Better World” provides following Trainings and Workshops:
1.Mind Power Workshop (Discover your Unlimited Potential),
2.Mind Programming Workshop (How to install new softwares in your brain for Good Health, Wealth, Happiness and Complete Success),
3.Redesign Your Life @ NLP,
4.NLP Practitioner (Basic & Advance) Training,
5.NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach Training,
6.Law of Attraction Workshop (Attract health, wealth, happiness and many more in abundance in your life),
7.Wings to Fly Workshop (Helps you to touch the Sky),
8.Successful and Effective Parenting Workshop (for all Parents),
9.Enjoy Your Exam Workshop (Kick out Exam-fear or Exam-fobia for ever),
10.Know Meditation Know Life Workshop (for Peace Seekers & Sinior Citizens and for all),
11.Super Fast Memory Workshop (for Students),
12. Leadership Workshop (for Business Executives, Managers, Business Owners) 13.How to become Ace Seller Workshop (for Business Men and Sales Person),
14.How to increase your Productivity (Helps you to bring Momentum in your Life)
Contact information:
Email: ravindra.viert@gmail.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/viertLife
Blog: viertLife.blogspot.com
Websites: www.viertLife.com
Ph: 9430114411 (WhatsApp also)
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Workshop on Work - Life Balance for Better Outcome by VIERT Life 9430114411
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Always work more than you are paid for.. You will be rich always. #viertLife
Always work more than you are paid for.. You will be rich always.
Saturday, 27 January 2018
यदि आप उचित योजना के अनुसार स्व प्रबंधन करते हुए लगातार मेहनत करते हैं तो कोई भी लक्ष्य इतना बड़ा नहीं जिसे आप हासिल न कर सकें। Only Sky is Limit... 😁😁
यदि आप उचित योजना के अनुसार स्व प्रबंधन करते हुए लगातार मेहनत करते हैं तो कोई भी लक्ष्य इतना बड़ा नहीं जिसे आप हासिल न कर सकें। Only Sky is Limit... 😁😁
Friday, 26 January 2018
Workshop on Values and Ethics in Governance and Behaviourial Competency by VIERT Life at HRD BCCL Dhanbad.
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
Do you Love yourself ? ...#viertLife #9430114411
Check the following points if you love yourself....
1. Do you get up early ?
2. Do you do exercise/yoga every day?
3. Do you take rest properly?
4. Do you have deep sleep / peaceful sleep every day?
5. Do you do meditation / relaxation every day?
6. Do you take proper action after making appropriate plan ?
(Actually, if you plan to take action for your goal and don't follow it then there is confliction in your mind, this is known as unfinished agenda)
7. Do you love your job ?
(Actually, according to a survey, 80% people hate their job)
8. Are you happy with with your family ?
9. Do you solve any problem/argue with peace and smile?
10. Are you satisfied with your present income?
11. Sometimes, after getting angry do you get relaxed soon ?
12. Do you accept unchangable ?
If the answer is "YES" then you LOVE yourself really..
Monday, 8 January 2018
Disease Free Life .. अब सदा स्वस्थ रहें ... https://youtu.be/WzXR_80M8Xo
Disease Free Life ..
अब सदा स्वस्थ रहें ...