Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Do you Love yourself ? ...#viertLife #9430114411

Check the following points if you love yourself....
1. Do you get up early ?
2. Do you do exercise/yoga every day?
3. Do you take rest properly?
4. Do you have deep sleep / peaceful sleep every day?
5. Do you do meditation / relaxation every day?
6. Do you take proper action after making appropriate plan ?
(Actually, if you plan to take action for your goal and don't follow it then there is confliction in your mind, this is known as unfinished agenda)
7. Do you love your job ?
(Actually, according to a survey, 80% people hate their job)
8. Are you happy with with your family ?
9. Do you solve any problem/argue with peace and smile?
10. Are you satisfied with your present income?
11. Sometimes, after getting angry do you get relaxed soon ?
12. Do you accept unchangable ?

If the answer is "YES" then you LOVE yourself really..

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