Saturday, 25 May 2013

VIERT Mind-NLP-Life Coaching:

VIERT Mind-NLP-Life Coaching: 

Mind is everything. What you think, that you become. To make this to actually happen, you need to follow certain steps, by which you can realize all your goals. The first step is to have a clear cut demand or desire which you want to be fulfilled. Second step is to have total belief in the demand which you want from the existence. Third step is to visualize as many times in the day that whatever you want has actually taken place. Fourth step is to try to feed the demands in your sub-conscious mind by activating alpha state through meditation. Last but not the least, practice unconditional happiness. Being in the state of happiness will make your life energy move upwards and keep you always in the present. Being in the present will help you in conserving life energy and attracting the cosmic forces towards you in creating favorable and positive circumstances around you. Try and see the magic happening in your lives.

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